The Band Shoppe Policies
Hour repair shop rate is $100 per hour. $150 per hour for custom work with a minimum of 1 hour billing.
The minimum shop charge is $30.
50% deposits are required for any repairs or services $199 and up.
Written detailed estimates are subjected to a $30 fee. When estimates are approved, the estimate fee will be credited towards the total cost of the repair or service.
We currently do not offer scheduled or same day appointments.
The Band Shoppe proudly supports our military, first responders, school teachers and college students with current ID by giving 10% off labor, merchandise, accessories, or instruments purchased at The Band Shoppe. This does not include rental instruments, the purchase of rental instruments or the purchase of used instruments or consignments.
Any discounts on repairs on repairs & services will only be honored if original appointment times are kept and paid in full within 5 business days of completion.
Any instrument that is not picked up within 30 days of completion will be considered abandoned and will become property of The Band Shoppe.
There are no refunds on labor or repair parts.
Special orders for parts, supplies, and instruments must be paid in full prior to orders being placed.
Special order returns will only be accepted if they are in brand new unopened condition and or have not been installed. If all conditions are met for a return the special order return will be subjected to a 25% restocking fee.
- Tuition is $135 per month for 1 half hour lesson per week.
- Tuition is $270 per month for a 1 hour lesson per week.
- All tuition will be due by the 1st of every month and will be collected via auto pay on the last day of the prior month. Automatic payments will process on the following dates: 1/31, 2/28, 3/31, 4/30, 5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31, 9/30, 10/31, 11/30, 12/31
- Multi Month Discount programs and also require a credit card to be kept on file.
- Lessons will be scheduled and start on the hour and half hour. (i.e 3:00-3:30 or 3:30-4:30) If you show up late the remaining time of your lesson is guaranteed only to keep our teachers and other students schedules punctual.
- Lessons must be canceled 24 hours in advance to be granted a make up lesson.
- Make up lessons must be used with in 30 days of the original missed lesson and are subjected to the teachers availability.
- If a student “No Shows” to a lesson or cancels the same day of their lesson NO make-up lessons will be granted.
- In the event an indiviual student misses a group lesson, no make up lesson or credit will be issued. If specific class is cancled due to a teacher absense or store closure, without the ability for The Band Shoppe to provide a sub or future make up lesson date, a credit will be issued.
- Missed lessons / canceled lessons due to weather related closures can be made up or credited towards the following months tuition. We will follow CCCC for all weather related closures. Delayed openings CCCC will not constitute canceled lessons.
- If a teacher is absent a substitute will be provided, if no substitute is available a credit will be applied towards the following months tuition for the number of missed lessons.
- Returned / Declined Payments must be paid within 5 Business days from declined payment or missed payment. If no payment is made the students lessons will be suspended until the payments are caught up. Lessons will resume once the unpaid balance plus a 5% late fee is paid.
- To discontinue lessons notification must be made in writing and submitted to the counter staff only. Verbal notices of discontinuing lessons will NOT end enrollment for lessons. Hand written, emailed or filled out discontinuation forms are the only acceptable forms of discontinuing notification.
- Unused tuition will be refunded for unused lessons only.
- Unused make up lessons will be forfeited if student quits prior to their make up lesson.
- If a student quits whos enrolled in our Multiple Student Discount Program, any unused tuition will be automatically applied to any students remaining enrolled in the multi student discount program.
- If a student quits who is a part of the multi month discount, all unused tuition will be credited back at the less the difference of used tuition. EX If you prepay 12 months and quit after 2 months the used tuition will default back to the standard rate of $135 per month. You would be credited back $1269. ( $1507 (12mo discounted rate) – $270 (2mo standard rate ) = $1237)
- Enrolled students at The Band Shoppe will receive a 10% discount on all accessories, repairs, maintenance and maintenance packages.
- Military, First Responders and Teachers will receive a 5% tuition discount. This discount cannot be combined with the multi month or multi student discounts.